9 Simple Tips to make your perfume last longer

We were all faced with the situation of spraying perfume in the morning, and after a few hours, its scent completely evaporated. Christian Dior once said, “Long after we forget what a woman wore, her perfume scent remains.” We all want to achieve this by using perfume. But it is often the case that the perfume must be repaired several times during the day. How to make perfume last longer you will smell beautiful all day long, saving your favorite perfume and leaving behind a fragrant cloud wherever you go.

Choose a perfume that has a strong base note

Different fragrance notes have a different lifespan. Citrus fruit notes will quickly fade from the skin because their molecules are very light, while floral and spicy ones are longer lasting. The longest-lasting fragrances are the most commonly used as base notes: vanilla, musk, patchouli, wood. So choose a perfume that has one of these notes as your base. Because when the top notes have evaporated, the base notes will stay on.

Use some neutral lotion for the base

Our skin is not exactly the ideal base for long-lasting perfumes. That is why the perfume will not stay on dry skin. Still – there is a great trick. First, apply a lotion or body milk of neutral scent to the body (so that the scent of the lotion does not collide with the perfume), wait for it to absorb a little, and then apply the perfume. The lotion will make the perfume better bind to the skin. An even better trick is to mix some perfume and body lotion to soothe the skin.

The vaseline trick

You will get even better durability of the perfume on your skin if you apply a little Vaseline to the places where you apply the perfume. Vaseline is occlusive which means that it increases the moisture level of
the skin by preventing the physical barrier from losing water from the epidermis. It will make perfume last longer and your skin will be soft too.

Apply it in layers

If you buy perfume in a set with a body lotion of the same scent – you already have a trick for extended scent in your sleeve. The body lotion will add to the intensity of the same fragrant note. Also, if you have two similar perfumes (two citruses, two vanilla, two floral), combine them together to extend the scent of perfume’s life on your skin.

Let your hair down

Our hair retains scents better than skin. If you have long or medium hair, spray some perfume on the ends of your hair. Moving your hair will refresh the fragrant aura around you. You can also spray a little perfume on your hairbrush to comb your hair. The scent will linger in your hair for a long time, and anyone who approaches you will feel the scent of your perfume.

Apply perfumes on your pulse points

This is an old rule that you already know, but it is always good to repeat it. The pulse points on the body radiate higher temperatures, which means it will evaporate the smell of perfume more strongly. Therefore, apply the perfume specifically to the wrists, the bend of the arm at the elbow, the neck, and behind the knees. The scent will be intense and durable.

Don’t rub perfume

We all sometimes apply perfume to the inside of the wrists, so we rub them. That’s wrong! In this way you destroy the scent molecules, the top notes evaporate faster and the result is a scent that does not last all day. When you spray perfume on your wrists, let the perfume dry on its own.

Apply it after shower

As we said before, the moisture in the skin retains the perfume scent for longer. That is why the best trick for its longevity is to apply it immediately after showering because then the level of skin hydration is greatest.

Apply it on your clothes

Although it does not last so long on the skin, the perfume really lasts a long time on the clothes. Just beware – spraying on a new white shirt is not a good idea because of the potential stains you may have left. So apply it on a headscarf, scarf or shirt collar for full effect throughout the day.

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